Coming OUt
Honest disclosure, informed consent…
& respecting peopleʻs mental & physical health space/boundaries has been my bread and butter since Camille D was born into the Independent Companion industry. This past year has given me so much practice in difficult, necessary, and important conversations…. Tomorrow is not promised and I want the people I love, love me for who I am 100%
This epiphany prompted me to open up my career as a Provider to my most close loved ones at home in Honolulu…
Entering this industry as an adult entertainer and masseuse was a choice I made to sustain my Degree, feed me, and pay off the debt accrued from Vet bills.
At the time I faced immense strife that Hoku (my fur-baby) was harmful to others and a danger at any moment to cause more harm. Not only physically to other animals but a chain and ball to financial consequence… At the time, I was proud to be working three jobs, paying for my food, school expenses and an affordable lowered tuition. Pre-med College and juggling my three jobs was a workload that consumed me. I regrettably could have been helping Hoku overcome her aggression issues but my scholarship had a deadline. Because of the financial scarcity culture in my household growing up, this pattern of barely being comfortable, instilled a positively self-sufficient independence within me of being viable. Love was exemplifying not being a burden. Flash back to Hoku and The weight of the debt incurred from the vet bills… summer to my junior year was the pinnacle to my entrance into this Demie Monde. It took me almost a decade to come out as a sex worker because unpacking the social and systemic stigma and navigating internalized whorephobia. You need space from the place where so much change occurred to learn and grow from those experiences.
Patriarchy overtly and covertly in-stills that women donʻt have any agency or autonomy over their body and therefore places moral judgements based on her decisions about her body and private relations with consenting adults.
Criminalization of Seggx work is a topic I have been studying since 2015 (my entrance into the demimonde). I love what being a professional companion of dates has instilled in me; creating and enforcing boundaries, negotiating, making websites, designing sets, Marketing, advertising, branding and the stability/flexibility to pursue my healing arts. Most of all just being a great listener, understanding and loving to many wonderful different people with many wondrous different needs in care.
I am a healer and I still want to become an accredited healer in the civilian world…but a healer must heal first before they can heal communities…I opened the door to this world and hurdled through, The academic knowledge I accrued pursuing Biology and naturopathy helps me immensely to care for myself.
Burning Desires Aflame
Part of coming out as an Independent Companion of special time is sharing how I keep myself safe: sharing my screening methods of receiving clientele work residence, ID card, Linkeden report card, or recent references/reviews from established providers. Through Covid 19 in 2020, I was super privileged to be able to sustain myself for months solely on deposits. When in person dates were necessary, I enforced and currently still do Covid cautionary measures adopting a plan to keep me best protected with client questionnaires, mandatory temperature check and Space sanitizations. As well as monthly seggxual health checks I aksi keep a strict testing schedule of weekly Covid tests with cushions between tests/travels/work to provide clear days. I wish to give you all the greatest peace of mind with discretion and meticulously preserve well being above all. I have a growing and solid seggx work community in The Bay. Providers are such amazing people to have an community members we share collective ways of care and special mutual experiences in this magickal demimonde.
I donʻt want to feel isolated, and like half of myself is present. I need my family and loved ones to accept & acknowledge me, as I am and whom I love to be!
… or be honest and let me know if space from a relationship with me is best. I do hope after listening to me coming out…some research, and thought, you come to be an ally, advocate, friend, or just a reciprocal figure of true love that is a present part of my “family”
Regardless of your choice and response I love you
Post Post Note:
This writing was taken from the original e-mail I sent to my HI fam end of 2020 Entitled Coming out.
I made some edits for cyber protections of course but itʻs pretty much the meaty original. Xoxo
Love you all!
*Hawaii has generational trauma of diseases being carried over that decimated the Native population. So I recalled my tickets…even though I came out as an Independent Companion in California to my HI fam, my naʻau (stomach gut feeling) was telling me to wait to visit. I am almost all vaccinated and will be returning soon…. I already feel wholesome in being myself. I look forward to uninhibited hours of enjoying time with the people I love. Being comfortable with my truth has sprung a love for myself that I hope to ignite in everyone I come close too!
Blessed Be.
I am a gentle healer and time is my currency…
Post Note:
I am very Privileged to feel safe enough to disclose to my family and I am very lucky that “they” (after initial shock) have responded with cherishing words of love.